Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms, 3red ed. By Will Richardson (Corwin Press, 2010, 171 p., $_____, ISBN: 1412977479)
Will Richardson is a visionary who blogs about technology and learning regularly and so the third edition of his book is very welcome. He has updated the uses of many many Web 2.0 tools giving many examples of their uses that boost teaching and learning. If I were conducting professional development on various tech tools, I would ask novice folks to read the Richardson chapter on blogs or wikis or whatever was to be covered. That would allow them an introduction to the technology and then the practical hands on workshop could get folks up to speed faster so that the focus could be on using the particular technology in the learning commons and in classrooms. For teacher librarians, Richardson is a good read just to compare what you know with what Richardson is recommending about each technology. As we all know, we know some tools vaguely, others are quite familiar and a there are those few we are expert at. The goal is to know each class of tools well enough so we can use them to their best advantage. Another advantage of Richardson’s book is that we can pidgonhole particular tools in groups with similar characteristics and that helps us all keep track of many individual tools with their unique characteristics. This book is a must read for all teacher librarians and teacher technologists.
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