

Page history last edited by david loertscher 10 years ago
Professional Reviews
for Teacher Librarians, Teacher Technologies, and Educational Leaders



Created by David V. Loertscher


An Extension of Reviews in Teacher Librarian at http://www.teacherlibrarian.com/

David Loertscher's webpages: http://davidvl.org

Twitter handle: davidloertscher


   The School Learning Commons Program





Reading and Writing 2014a 2013a
2012a 2011a 2010a 2009a 2008a 2007a 2006a 2005 and before
Collaboration/Instructional Design 2014b 2013b
2012b 2011b 2010b
2009b 2008b 2007b  2006b  2005b abd befire
Technology 2014c 2013c
2012c 2011c 2010c 2009c  2008c  2007c 2006c 2005c abd befire
21st Century Skills
2014d 2013d
2012d 2011d 2010d 2009d 2008d 2007d 2006d 200d and before



Books for Classroom Teachers, Teacher Librarians, and Teacher Technologists





Instructional Design 2014e 2013e
2012e 2011e 2010e 2009e 2008e 2007e 2006e 2005e and before
Language Arts
2014f  2013f 2012f 2011f 2010f 2009f
2008f 2007f 2006f 2005f and before
Social Studies 2014g 2013g
2012g 2011g 2010g 2009g 2008g 2007g 2006g 2005g and before
Science 2014h 2013h
2012h 2011h 2010h 2009h 2008h 2007h 2006h 2005ehand before
Fine Arts 2014i 2013i
2012i 2011i 2010i 2009i 2008i 2007i 2006i 2005i and before
Misc. Topics 2014j 2013j
2012j 2011j 2010j 2009j 2008j 2007j 2006j 2005j and before



Operation of the School Learning Commons (see also http://schoollerningcommons.pbworks.com)





General Management 2014k 2013k
2012k 2011k 2010k 2009k
2008k  2007k  2006k  2005k
Technology 2014l 2013l
2012l 2011l 2010l 2009l  2008l  2007l 2006l 2005l
The Digital School Library 2014m 2013m
2012m 2011m 2010m 2009m  2008m  2007m  2006m  2005m
Cataloging 2014n 2013n
2012n 2011n 2010n 2009n  2008n 2007n  2006n  2005n
Collection Development 2014o 2013o
2012o 2011o 2010o 2009o  2008o  2007o 2006o  2005o2012k
Reference 2014p 2013p
2012p 2011p 2010p 2009p  2008p  2007p  2006p  2005p
Facilities 2014q 2013q
2012q 2011q 2010q 2009q
2008q  2007q 2006q 2005q
Research about LMC Programs 2014r 2013r
2012r 2011r 2010r 2009r  2008r 2007r  2006r  2005r








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